Our net earnings were, clear of all expenses, about 200 yuan. 除去所有开支,我们净赚200元。
To get there, it would need net earnings of$ 2 billion a year. 要实现这一目标,它每年的净收益必须达到20亿美元。
But European net earnings are significantly lower because of higher taxes and social security contributions. 但是,由于较高的税收和社会保障金,欧洲人的净收入要低很多。
The total net earnings we show in the table are, of course, identical to the GAAP figures in our audited financial statements. 当然最后加总结算的数字,还是会与会计师出具的财务报表上的盈余数字完全一致。
In a totally integrated database without transfer accounts, you get an incorrect OBRET for a journal that goes between net income and retained earnings. 在一个没有转账的完全集成的数据库中,对于介于净收入和留存收益之间的一个日志您得到一个不正确的OBRET。
Net earnings for the second quarter were down 19 percent, to$ 270 million, or 26 cents a share, from$ 331 million or 30 cents a share. 二季度的净利润同比下降了19%,为2.7亿美元,即每股26美分,去年同期分别为3.31亿美元和每股30美分。
Private companies usually try to minimize net earnings and thus reduce federal and state income taxes. 非上市公司通常将净收益最小化,这样可以少交联邦和州政府的所得税。
The recall knocked 1% off net sales and helped depress earnings 22% to 14 cents a share. 召回行动使净销售额下降1%,导致每股收益减少22%至14美分。
Statement of allocation of net profits or net income earnings before interest and tax 净利或净收益分配表减除利息和税款前收益
US companies were expected to show an 11 per cent increase in net earnings in the next 12 months, according to a poll of 262 chief financial officers, conducted by Financial Executives International, a corporate finance lobby group, and Baruch College. 企业财务游说团体国际财务执行官组织(FinancialExecutivesInternational)和巴鲁学院(BaruchCollege)一项针对262名首席财务官进行的调查显示,未来12个月期间,美国企业的净利润有望增长11%。
Without the Forex factor, net earnings rose 26 per cent on a 19 per cent increase in revenue. 扣除外汇因素,净利润同比增长26%,收入增幅为19%。
Mr Bowers said it was crystal clear fund managers did not believe analysts 'profit forecasts with a net 83 per cent describing earnings estimates for the coming year as too high. 鲍尔斯称,非常清楚的是,基金经理不相信分析师的利润预测&净有83%的受访者认为对来年的利润估计过高。
Financial accounting information is classified into the categories of assets, liabilities, owner's equity, revenues, expenses, and net earnings ( or net loss). Crude oil prices in the international market have been over US$ 70 for weeks. 财务会计信息可以分类为:资产,负债,业主权益,收入,费用,净收益(或净损失)。
The sector is certainly flush average net debt is 0.2 times earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation, compared with a 1.1 times historic average but more M& A would be a daft use of resources. 该行业现在无疑是财大气粗平均净负债仅为未计利息、税项、折旧及摊销前利润(ebitda)的0.2倍,远低于1.1倍的历史平均水平但更多的并购行为,将是愚蠢地滥用资源。
A year ago, net earnings had dropped 34 per cent year-on-year. 上年同期,该公司净利润同比下降34%。
The study found that the ratio of Asian companies 'forecast net debt to earnings before interest, tax and depreciation declined by 28 per cent last year – the largest decline of all the regions studied. 研究发现,亚洲企业净债务与利息、税项及折旧前收益的预期比率去年下降了28%,在研究所涉及的地区中降幅最大。
An indicator of profitability, It is calculated as net earnings after taxes divided by revenues. 盈利能力的指标,计算方法为税后净利润除以总收入。
Companies were leveraged heavily, with as much as seven times net debt to earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation ( EBITDA). 这些公司的杠杆率很高,净负债与利息、税项、折旧和摊销前利润(ebitda)之比高达7倍。
The Empirical Analysis between the Net Earnings in Accounts and Cash flow Data& An alarm indicator of financial reporting fraud 报表收益与现金流量数据之间关系的实证分析&信息不实公司的预警信号
Empirical Analysis on Manipulation of Net Earnings and Cash Flows by Listed Companies 上市公司净利润和现金流量盈余管理的实证分析
While IPO initial profit margin in A-shares market closely correlate to lucky number ratio, IPO prices, initial opening price and first day trading ratio, that in H-shares market correlates to growth rate of corporate net earnings and Hang Seng Index. A股市场的新股初始收益率与中签率、发行价、上市首日开盘价、上市首日换手率显著相关,而H股市场的新股初始收益率则与净利润增长率、香港恒生指数显著相关。
Although its whole vehicle sales and sales proceeds remain unchanged, but its net earnings after tax in Year 2002 and Year 2003 dropped heftily, which showed its cost per vehicle increased greatly. 近几年VW在国际市场的运作出现了较大地波动,尽管其整体的销售量和销售额一直保持不变,但总税后利润在20022003年下降幅度较大。说明其单车成本有较大幅度的增加。
In order to protect the interests of investors, the security authorities have provided strict restrictions on the qualifications of equity refinancing. To some extent, these restrictions have encouraged listed companies to improve net income with earnings management and achieve the policy requirement. 但证券监管部门为保护投资者利益、促进资本市场健康发展对再融资的资格和条件作出严格的限制,这又在一定程度上激励上市公司通过盈余管理进行利润操控,达到再融资的政策要求。